luni, 23 aprilie 2012

Barbie Thumbelina (in limba Romana)

  Nume:Barbie Thumbelina/ Barbie Degetica
Limba : Romana
Durata: 70 Min.
Produs in : 2009

Descriere in Romana : Thumbelina, si anume varianta tradusa in limba romana fiind Degetica, a fost o poveste publicata de catre autorul Hans Christian Andersen in anul 1835, iar acum in anul 2009 s-a publicat primul desen animat care infatiseaza intreaga actiune a desenelor cu Thumbelina. Ei bine, Thumbelina este o printesa mica care se pare ca s-a indragostit de o floare de dimensiunea ei, iar acum incearca sa se casatoreasca, iar noi vom asista la intreaga aventura a acesteia. Tommelise pe numele ei real a luat nastere in momentul in care o femeie batrana nu mai avea ce manca si s-a hotarat sa ii dea primului om care ii iese in cale un pumn de seminte astfel incat sa primeasca in schimbul acelui pumn ceva de mancare. Dupa ce stapanul a semanat acea boaba a rasarit aceasta fata frumoasa la fel ca o floare. Intr-o seara mama unui broscoi vine la ea pe furis si incearca sa o convinga pe frumoasa printesa barbi Tommelise sa se casatoreasca cu fiului sau, un broscoi care este inca in adolescenta. Ajutata de un peste si de un fluture Thumbelina reuseste sa scape, insa nu ajungea prea departe si se intalneste cu un gandac cerb care desi nu o prea adora hotarasc sa o primeasca langa ea astfel incat vine iarna si aceasta nu ar avea unde sa se adaposteasca de frigul necrutator. In cele din urma Thumbelina, Degetica, barbi cea mica ca un deget ajunge in grija unui soricel care de asemenea are un bun prieten, si anume o alunita cu care vrea sa se casatoreasca aceasta mica zana, insa din pacate Thumbelina ede alunita drept o persoana nepotrivita pentru o casatorie. Intr-o seara aceasta hotaraste sa mearga alaturi de o randunica in zbor spre un camp de flori unde da peste o faptura asemanatoare ca ea, insa este un barbat de inaltimea ei, la fel de dragut ca ea, dar in schimb acesta are o pereche de aripi cu care poate sa zboare. Thumbelina l-a gasit pe acest baiat deosebit de frumos si de atragator astfel incat in momentul in care este ceruta in casatorie nu sta pe ganduri si se casatoresc numaidecat. Thumbelina si anume Degetica noastra primeste in dar o pereche de aripi cu care poate sa zboare alaturi de printul ei peste mari si zari pentru a fi fericiti pana la adanci batraneti, insa nu inainte ca Thumbelina sa isi schimbe numele in Maia pentru a nu fi recunoscuta de toate celelalte insecte si creaturi cu care s-a intalnit.

Descriere in Engleza : The story opens with Barbie and kindergarten students walking in a big meadow, ready to plant trees. Emma, one of the children, finds a small tree and decides to plant it, but her friends laugh at her because of it, making her sad. However, Barbie cheers her up by telling her that a small tree can grow into a very big tree. Then Barbie tells the children about Thumbelina.
Thumbelina is one of the Twillerbees. Twillerbees have the ability to make plants grow faster (and as revealed later on, they can grow plants out of nowhere as well). Thumbelina is excited when there will be Twillerbabies. She creates fake wings for herself and for her two friends, Janessa and Chrysella. They will use the wings to see the Twillerbuds bloom to be Twillerbabies. When they try the wings, suddenly many tractors come to their field. Hiding in the flowers, the trio are trapped. They are brought into an apartment they never knew before.
The apartment belongs to the parents of a spoiled, wealthy girl, named Makena. The flower bed is placed in Makena's bedroom. As Thumbelina, Chrysella, and Janessa search for a way to go back to their field, Makena's dog Poofles run after them. Makena comes into the bedroom while the trio hides. Makena talks to her friend Violet from a cellular phone about her parents who will build a factory on the Twillerbees field.
An upset Thumbelina scolds Makena, who is surprised, yet happy to find an interesting thing to be demonstrated to Violet. She always competes against Violet. The three Twillerbees try to escape from Makena and Poofles.
Finally, Thumbelina sends Chrysella and Janessa home. They will disturb the work in the field while Thumbelina will talk to Makena. Thumbelina makes Makena promise not to tell anyone about her and Makena must persuade her parents to stop building the factory. Thumbelina will make special things for Makena in return.
At first, Makena does not talk seriously to her parents about it. She even wants to break her promise to Thumbelina when she invites Violet and Ashlynn. She wants them to see the thing everyone in the universe cannot have which is Thumbelina. Thumbelina becomes angry at Makena and leaves the apartment, just before Makena realizes that Violet and Ashlyn are not her true friends, Thumbelina is her true friend.
Makena goes to the field and asks for Thumbelina's forgiveness. She also wants to save the field desperately and earnestly. Thumbelina, forgiving her, shows Makena the other Twillerbees and the Twillerbuds.
That night, Makena, Thumbelina, Janessa, Chrysella, Poofles, and Lola the bird works hard in the green house to grow the plants. The next day, Makena asks her parents to stop the building, and Thumbelina shows herself. Thumbelina explains to them about the Twillerbuds that will bloom soon. Evan and Vanessa, Makena's parents, are convinced and try to stop Myron, the contractor, from destroying the field.
With the help of birds and other Twillerbees, Myron's workers run away, thinking that the field is haunted, But Myron is angry and determined to finish his work as he hates flowers. Ultimately, Makena and Thumbelina arrive and they stop Myron. Immediately, Evan and Vanessa arrive at the field to have the factory project shut down. A team of birds chase Myron away, and Makena and her family see the Twillerbuds bloom.
To prevent others from building factories in the field, they turn the field into a Reserved Park.
In the end of the story, it shows that Barbie and the children are in Makena's Reserved Park. Barbie says that even the smallest person can make a big difference. Makena is small, compared to the adults. And so are the children.
The strange thing in the story is that Thumbelina, Janessa, and Chrysella who are in the story, suddenly appear, sitting in the tree. Barbie waves her hand at them. The trio then use their Twillerbee magic to make Emma's tree grow, meaning the story was true after all.

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